The ultimate guide to using a snoring mouth guard

The ultimate guide to using a snoring mouth guard

A snoring mouth guard can be effective for those who snore due to sleep apnea or other respiratory problems. Here's a guide on how to use one correctly.


  1. Clean it as instructed before inserting.
  2. Put it in before going to bed.
  3. Bite down and keep your tongue down while inserting; it'll make the process easier.


  1. You may need a few nights to adjust for the best fit.
  2. Make sure it's not too tight or loose.
  3. Follow the instructions for the type of mouthguard you're using.

Pro Tip: If you feel pain or discomfort, consult your dentist or physician. A properly fitted mouthguard should feel comfortable, not painful.

Understanding snoring and its causes

Snoring can be a real bother, not just to the snorer, but also to those around them. It is caused by a blocked airway, often due to bad sleep habits, anatomy problems, and more.

To get a better understanding of why it's advised to use a snoring mouth guard, let's look at the different causes of snoring and what changes can be made to decrease it.

What is snoring?

Snoring is a noise caused by blocked air travelling through the mouth and nose while sleeping. This causes the throat's tissue to vibrate.

Reasons behind snoring include:

  • – Weak throat muscles.
  • – Allergies, congestion or physical factors can make airways too narrow.
  • – Sleeping position.
  • – Drinking alcohol.
  • – Smoking.
  • – Obesity.
  • – Aging.
  • – Sleep apnea.

A snoring mouthguard assists in keeping the airways open while sleeping, by placing the jaw and tongue in the right position. Before using a snoring mouthguard, work out the exact cause of your snoring and get treatment.

Tip – Lose weight, don't drink or smoke, and sleep on your side to reduce snoring.

How does snoring affect health?

Snoring can affect you in many ways. It can disturb your sleep, making you tired, grumpy, and less sharp during the day. It can also worsen preexisting health conditions, like heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. It can even disrupt your bed partner's sleep, causing relationship issues and health problems.

Knowing why you snore can help you find the right fix. Common reasons for snoring include nasal congestion, obesity, sleep position, and drinking alcohol. A snoring mouth guard is a helpful solution. It works by moving your jaw slightly forward, opening up the airway and reducing snoring.

If snoring is chronic, or it causes other health concerns, it's wise to talk to a doctor.

What causes snoring?

Snoring is caused by the narrowing of the airway. Vibration of the throat tissues is the result. Reasons for this narrowing include:

  • Obesity? Excess body fat around the neck squeezes the airway, causing it to narrow and vibrate during sleep.
  • Smoking? It irritates the airway lining, causing inflammation and congestion. This makes breathing harder during sleep.
  • Alcohol? Drinking it before bed relaxes throat muscles, causing them to collapse and block the airway.
  • Nasal Congestion? Allergies or a cold can make it hard to breathe through the nose, causing a person to breathe through their mouth. This increases the likelihood of snoring.

Snoring mouth guards are designed to reposition the jaw and tongue, allowing the airway to stay open during sleep.

Introduction to snoring mouth guards

Snoring mouth guards – a safe and effective snore-buster! In this guide, we'll give you an intro to these guards. What types are there? How do they work? Plus, we'll look at the pros and cons of using these guards, so you can make the best choice. Let's get started!

What is a snoring mouth guard?

A snoring mouth guard, also called a MAD (mandibular advancement device), is a dental tool made to help people with snoring issues get a peaceful night's rest. It works by keeping the lower jaw and tongue in a forward position, which stops the airway from caving in and cutting down snoring.

If you want to use a snoring mouth guard, here is the ultimate guide:

  1. Talk to a dentist or a sleep specialist to find out if a mouth guard is good for you.
  2. Select one that fits your mouth comfortably and is adjustable.
  3. Wear the mouth guard during the day to get used to it.
  4. Wear the mouth guard every night like your dentist or sleep specialist suggested.
  5. Clean the mouth guard often and store it in a clean and dry place.

Regular use of a snoring mouth guard can give you better quality sleep and make you feel refreshed when you wake up.

Types of snoring mouth guards

Snoring mouth guards are a simple, yet effective, way to improve sleep and reduce snoring. Three types of snoring mouth guards exist: MADs, TRDs, and combo guards.

MADs shift the lower jaw forward, keeping airways open while sleeping. TRDs hold the tongue in place, stopping it from blocking the throat. Combo guards blend the two.

Before using a snoring mouth guard, consult with a healthcare professional for the best type for you. Make sure it fits comfortably.

Pro Tip: Clean and sanitize your snoring mouth guard regularly to stop bacteria or germs from forming.

How do snoring mouth guards work?

Snoring mouth guards are dental inventions designed to treat snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea. They work by shifting the lower jaw and tongue, creating more airway space and improving breathing while asleep.

A dentist or sleep specialist custom-fits the mouth guard to the patient's mouth. When sleeping, the mouth guard holds the lower jaw forward, preventing the tongue and soft palate from sliding into the throat and causing snoring.

The material is non-toxic and designed to last with good care.

Tip: Before using a mouth guard, it's best to consult a healthcare expert to make sure it's suitable.

Choosing the right snoring mouth guard

Searching for the perfect snoring mouth guard can be overwhelming. There are numerous choices! When selecting one, think about your specific needs, size, and budget. Making the wrong pick can be unpleasant and fruitless. Here's a list of steps to find the best snoring mouth guard for you:

Factors to consider when choosing a snoring mouth guard

When selecting the ideal snoring mouth guard, there are a few points to take into account:

  • Comfort: It should be comfortable to wear all night, without creating any pain or unease.
  • Material: It should be made of materials that are safe, long-lasting and simple to clean. Plus, no allergic reactions should come from it.
  • Size and customization: It should fit perfectly and be adjustable, customized to the size and shape of the individual's mouth.
  • Breathing: It should allow normal breathing and not cause any blockages or discomfort.
  • Maintenance and care: It should be easy to keep clean, ensuring longevity and efficiency.

By paying attention to these factors, you can pick the right snoring mouth guard that will help lessen or get rid of snoring with comfort.

Common types of snoring mouth guards

Snoring mouth guards are a popular and effective way of tackling snoring troubles. There's a variety of them:

  • Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD): Pushes the lower jaw forward, opens airways.
  • Tongue Retaining Device (TRD): Holds tongue forward, prevents blocking airways.
  • Custom Molded Mouthpiece: Customized fit for each user.
  • Boil and Bite Mouthpiece: Heated, placed in mouth, molds into shape.
  • Adjustable Mouthpiece: Lets user adjust to the optimal position.

Picking the right one can be tricky. Size, design, material, needs & preferences – all matter. Pro tip: Consult a doctor or sleep specialist for best results.

How to get a custom-fitted snoring mouth guard

A custom-fitted snoring mouth guard is a great way to help stop snoring and improve sleep quality. Here's how to get one:

  1. Talk to your dentist about your snoring, to see if a mouth guard is a good solution.
  2. Your dentist will take an impression of your teeth with putty-like material or a digital scan.
  3. The impression is sent to a dental lab to make a mouth guard designed for your mouth shape and snoring.
  4. Come back to your dentist to fit and adjust the mouth guard.
  5. Use it nightly as recommended by your dentist, to reduce snoring and improve sleep.

Custom-fitted snoring mouth guards are better than over-the-counter ones, as they are made for your mouth shape and snoring problem. Pro Tip: Follow care instructions to keep your guard in good condition.

Using a snoring mouth guard

A snoring mouth guard can help lessen or stop snoring. It works by moving the jaw forward and keeping the airway open for easier breathing. There are two kinds of snoring mouth guards: mandibular advancement splints (MAS) and tongue retaining devices (TRDs).

Want to know more? Let's talk about the advantages of using a snoring mouth guard:

  • It can reduce or eliminate snoring, leading to better sleep quality for both you and your partner
  • It can reduce the risk of health problems associated with snoring, such as sleep apnea and high blood pressure
  • It is non-invasive and easy to use
  • It is more affordable than other snoring solutions

Now, let's talk about how to use a snoring mouth guard the right way:

  1. Consult a healthcare professional to determine if a snoring mouth guard is the right solution for you
  2. Choose the right type of snoring mouth guard based on your specific needs and preferences
  3. Read and follow the instructions carefully to ensure proper use of the device
  4. Clean and maintain the snoring mouth guard regularly to ensure hygiene and effectiveness
  5. Replace the device as needed, usually every 9 to 12 months, or as recommended by the manufacturer or healthcare professional

Proper instructions for using a snoring mouth guard

A snoring mouth guard can help against sleep apnea, lessen snoring, and give you better quality sleep. Here are the right steps to use one:

  1. Clean it with a toothbrush, soap, and warm water before and after.
  2. Assure it fits snugly and doesn't cause any pain or make breathing hard.
  3. Wear it before bed and take it off in the morning.
  4. Be patient and try it for days or weeks before judging if it works.
  5. Replace it every six months or according to the manufacturer's advice.

Doing this will help you get the best out of your snoring mouth guard and give you great rest.

Tips for maintaining and cleaning a snoring mouth guard

To extend the lifespan of your snoring mouth guard, and ensure it works effectively, here are some tips to follow:

  • Rinse your mouth guard with water before and after each use.
  • Gently brush it with a toothbrush and mild soap or toothpaste.
  • Don't use hot water as it could warp it.
  • Store your mouth guard in a clean, dry container when not in use.
  • Check for signs of wear and tear and replace it if necessary.
  • Bring your mouth guard when you travel or sleep away from home.

These tips will keep your mouth guard hygienic and comfortable, so you can get a peaceful sleep.

How long does a snoring mouth guard last?

A snoring mouth guard usually lasts from 6 months up to 2 years based on the quality of the material used and how well it is looked after. Here are some tips for making it last longer:

  • Clean it often using a mild soap and water or a denture cleaning product.
  • Keep it in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight.
  • Do not drop it – it can be damaged or stop working properly.
  • Replace it when there are cracks or holes, or if it no longer fits well.

A great tip to make it last longer is to invest in a custom-made guard that fits your mouth perfectly. This helps to stop any discomfort or damage that can happen when using a generic, ill-fitting mouth guard.

Benefits and side effects of using a snoring mouth guard

Snoring mouth guards are trending! They're simple, comfy and adjustable. But, it's important to know the benefits and side effects before you buy. To help you make an informed decision about the best treatment for your snoring, here's a guide discussing the pros and cons of snoring mouth guards.

Benefits of using a snoring mouth guard

A snoring mouth guard is a simple, yet effective answer for those who snore in their sleep. Here are the advantages of using one:

  1. Better rest: Snoring can be disruptive to you and your partner's sleep, but a mouth guard can help lessen the sound and allow for a more peaceful slumber.
  2. Lessened snoring: A mouth guard can adjust the jaw, tongue, and soft palate – leading to a decrease in snoring.
  3. Inexpensive and non-invasive: A snoring mouth guard is more affordable and gentler than other treatments like surgery and CPAP machines.

However, there are some side effects such as extra saliva production, dry mouth, and jaw pain. It's important to talk to a doctor before using a snoring mouth guard to make sure it's the best solution for you.

Possible side effects of using a snoring mouth guard

Snoring mouth guards are a great answer for those who suffer from snoring and sleep apnea. They work to reduce snoring and improve sleep quality, however, they can have potential side effects.

These are some of the effects that may come with using a snoring mouth guard:

  • Jaw pain and soreness – The pressure the guard puts on the jaw joint can cause pain and discomfort.
  • Excessive salivation – Wearing a snoring mouth guard can lead to excess drooling and salivation, making it unpleasant for some.
  • Dry mouth – The mouth guard can also cause dryness in the mouth and throat, increasing the risk of tooth decay.
  • Shifting teeth – People who use snoring mouth guards for a long time may see their teeth move, resulting in bite problems and bad dental health.

Users should monitor any negative effects of the mouth guard and inform their dentist right away.

How to manage any side effects from using a snoring mouth guard

Snoring mouth guards are an effective way to lessen snoring. But they can cause some side effects such as soreness, drooling and dry mouth. Here are tips on how to manage these:

  • Soreness: Adjust the fit of your mouthguard or get a custom-fitted one. Do jaw stretches or use warm compresses.
  • Drooling: Use a mouthguard that covers fewer teeth. Take smaller sips of water before bed. Sleep on your back or prop yourself up with pillows.
  • Dry Mouth: Stay hydrated during the day. Use a humidifier in your bedroom. Use a saliva substitute. Talk to your dentist for guidance.

By following these tips, you can reduce any snoring mouthguard side effects and improve your sleep quality.

Alternatives to snoring mouth guards

Snoring mouthguards? Not the only option! There're lots of other snore-reducing solutions. For example: lifestyle changes, anti-snoring exercises, and medical devices. All are excellent alternatives to snoring mouthguards. Let's explore them.

Lifestyle changes to reduce snoring

Snoring is a widespread issue that affects many globally. However, one can make changes in their lifestyle to reduce it, without having to use snoring mouth guards. Here are a few useful tips:

  1. Alter your sleeping positions. Lie on your side instead of your back. You can also elevate your head with pillows.
  2. Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight can put pressure on your airways, resulting in snoring.
  3. Avoid alcohol and sedatives. These substances can make your throat muscles relax, making you more prone to snoring.
  4. Stay hydrated. Drink enough fluids to avoid mucus buildup in the throat, which can lead to snoring.
  5. Adopt good sleep hygiene. Follow a regular sleeping schedule and have a relaxing bedtime routine to ensure quality sleep.

Though snoring mouth guards offer quick help, it is wise to address the root cause of your snoring for permanent relief.

Medical treatments for snoring

Millions of people around the globe suffer from snoring. It disturbs the sleep of the snorer and their bed partners.

Several medical treatments are available to help reduce snoring and better sleep quality. Here are some of them:

  • CPAP Therapy: This involves a machine that pumps air pressure through a mask to keep the airway open while sleeping.
  • Surgery: Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) or Palatal Implants can restrict or stop snoring by changing the throat shape.
  • Oral appliances: These devices, such as mandibular advancement devices, fit in the mouth to alter the jaw and tongue position to hold the airway open while sleeping.

Pro tip: It is always best to consult with a doctor for the best treatment. They can evaluate snoring severity and any health conditions.

Pros and cons of snoring mouth guards versus other treatments

Snoring mouth guards are a go-to for snorers, but have their own pros and cons. Here's what you should know to decide if this is the right choice for you.


  • Non-invasive.
  • Relatively affordable.
  • Can be custom-fitted or bought over-the-counter.
  • Helpful with mild-moderate sleep apnea.


  • May be uncomfortable.
  • Can cause jaw pain.
  • Not effective for severe snoring or sleep apnea.

Other options include lifestyle changes, positional therapy, surgery, and CPAP machines. Talk to your doctor or sleep specialist to find the best option for you.


You have been enlightened! You now know what you need to make the right choice when using a snoring mouth guard.

Its workings, possible advantages and disadvantages, and how to use it are all clear.

Time to take the plunge! Try one out now!

Final thoughts on using a snoring mouth guard

In closing, snoring mouth guards can be a successful answer for those wanting to decrease or do away with their snoring. Before utilizing a snoring mouth guard, however, it is essential to consult with your doctor to reject any hidden medical issues that could prompt your snoring.

When utilizing a snoring mouth guard, it is important to accurately fit the guard for ideal adequacy and solace. Normal cleaning and upkeep of the guard are likewise important to guarantee its life span and viability.

Keep in mind that a snoring mouth guard may not be a one-size-fits-all answer, as various individuals have various kinds of snoring and reasons for their snoring. In this manner, it is essential to try different things with various styles and kinds of snoring mouth guards to discover the one that works best for you.

Finally, it is essential to keep up a sound way of life, for example, keeping up a sound weight, avoiding liquor and tobacco, and getting customary activity as these components can likewise affect snoring.

Pro tip: If you are enduring serious and noisy snoring, it might show a more genuine hidden medical condition like sleep apnea. Subsequently, consulting with a specialist ought to be the top need to dodge any further results.

Making the decision to try a snoring mouth guard

A snore guard can be a good option for those with snoring troubles. Before you decide to use one, it's important to check if it's suitable and understand its pros & cons. Consider these points:

  • Type of snore: If your snore is caused by a loose tongue, a mandibular advancement device (MAD) may work.
  • Comfort: A perfect fit leads to better sleep. But, if not fitted correctly, it can cause pain or dental issues.
  • Type of guard: Thermal-fitted ones are custom-made for your mouth shape. Non-customized ones are cheaper, but may not fit as well.

To use a snore guard:

  • Keep your oral hygiene in check.
  • Clean & store it with manufacturer instructions.
  • Be patient & persistent as it may take time to adjust to using it.
  • Pro Tip: Consult your doctor or dentist before using it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a snoring mouth guard?

A: A snoring mouth guard is a device that is worn in the mouth during sleep to help reduce or eliminate snoring.

Q: How does a snoring mouth guard work?

A: A snoring mouth guard works by repositioning the jaw and tongue during sleep to keep the airway open, allowing for easier breathing and reducing the vibration that causes snoring.

Q: Are snoring mouth guards comfortable to wear?

A: Many people find snoring mouth guards to be comfortable to wear, but there may be an adjustment period. Proper fitting and adjustments can also help with comfort.

Q: How long do snoring mouth guards last?

A: The lifespan of a snoring mouth guard can vary depending on the specific device and how well it is cared for. On average, they can last from 6 months to 2 years.

Q: Can a snoring mouth guard be customized?

A: Yes, many snoring mouth guards can be customized to fit the specific needs and preferences of the user.

Q: Are snoring mouth guards covered by insurance?

A: It depends on the specific insurance policy. Some policies may cover the cost of a snoring mouth guard, while others may not. It is important to check with your insurance provider to determine coverage.

“@context”: “”,
“@type”: “FAQPage”,
“mainEntity”: [
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What is a snoring mouth guard?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “A snoring mouth guard is a device that is worn in the mouth during sleep to help reduce or eliminate snoring.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How does a snoring mouth guard work?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “A snoring mouth guard works by repositioning the jaw and tongue during sleep to keep the airway open, allowing for easier breathing and reducing the vibration that causes snoring.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Are snoring mouth guards comfortable to wear?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Many people find snoring mouth guards to be comfortable to wear, but there may be an adjustment period. Proper fitting and adjustments can also help with comfort.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How long do snoring mouth guards last?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “The lifespan of a snoring mouth guard can vary depending on the specific device and how well it is cared for. On average, they can last from 6 months to 2 years.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Can a snoring mouth guard be customized?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Yes, many snoring mouth guards can be customized to fit the specific needs and preferences of the user.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Are snoring mouth guards covered by insurance?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “It depends on the specific insurance policy. Some policies may cover the cost of a snoring mouth guard, while others may not. It is important to check with your insurance provider to determine coverage.”

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